Julie McDonald: Evening with AuthorsNonprofit EventSWWCWriters ConferenceTitle Evening with Authors on page purple and pink looks liks an evening sunset

Evening with Authors: Celebrate Literature in Lewis County

This year, the Evening with Authors takes place again in the TransAlta Commons featuring a question-and-answer hour with Jane Porter, the bestselling author of 44 romance and women’s fiction books that have sold 12 million copies, and Patrick Hutchison, whose debut memoir—Cabin: Off the Grid with a Clueless Craftsman—has garnered critical acclaim from the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Today Show, and others.

SWWW MembersJulie Zander’s Newest Book

Julie Zander’s Newest Book

Southwest Washington Writers member Julie Zander recently released her latest book. For more than a century, the Southwest Washington Fair has drawn farmers, friends, and families to the fairgrounds in Chehalis to show off their livestock, agricultural products, cooking and handicrafts. Now the history of the Southwest Washington Fair, the only one in the state mandated by …


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