Ticket Options

Early registration tickets will go on sale on April 1, 2025

Early registration prices are good until July 31, 2025

Master Class (Friday Only)

$90/ person
  • Access to both three-hour classes
  • Lunch included
  • Unlimited coffee and beverages
Best Value

Master Class and Conference (Both Days)

$150/ person
  • Access to both days of the event
  • Both three-hour master classes on Friday
  • Keynote speaker on Saturday
  • Lunch included
  • Unlimited coffee and beverages
  • Choice of twenty-four workshops

Conference (Saturday Only)

$90/ person
  • Access to Saturday speakers
  • Lunch included
  • Unlimited coffee and beverages
  • Choice of twenty-four workshops



We are proud to announce our keynote speaker for this year’s conference is Jane Porter. Our master class presenters are Bill Kenower and Miriam Gershow. 

Jane Porter
Jane PorterKeynote Speaker

Jane Porter is a bestselling author with 75 + published books, sixteen women's fiction, two historical romance and the rest contemporary romance. In total she has over 15 million books sold worldwide. She will be our keynoter, a workshop presenter, and one of two authors at the Evening with Authors on Friday, Sept. 12, 2025. Jane is known for her passionate, powerful stories and relatable heroines.
Find out more at: janeporter.com

Jane Porter
Jane PorterKeynote Speaker

Jane Porter is a bestselling author with 75 + published books, sixteen women's fiction, two historical romance and the rest contemporary romance. In total she has over 15 million books sold worldwide. She will be our keynoter, a workshop presenter, and one of two authors at the Evening with Authors on Friday, Sept. 12, 2025. Jane is known for her passionate, powerful stories and relatable heroines.
Find out more at: janeporter.com

Bill Kenower
Bill KenowerMaster Class Presenter

William Kenower is the author of Fearless Writing: How to Create Boldly and Write With Confidence, Write Within Yourself: An Author’s Companion, and Everyone Has What it Takes: A Writer's Guide to the End of Self-Doubt. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Author magazine, as well as speaker and teacher. In addition to his books he’s been published in The New York Times, Edible Seattle, Writer's Digest, Parent Map, Tiferet Journal, and has been a featured blogger for the Huffington Post.
Find out more at: https://www.williamkenower.com/

Bill Kenower
Bill KenowerMaster Class Presenter

William Kenower is the author of Fearless Writing: How to Create Boldly and Write With Confidence, Write Within Yourself: An Author’s Companion, and Everyone Has What it Takes: A Writer's Guide to the End of Self-Doubt. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Author magazine, as well as speaker and teacher. In addition to his books he’s been published in The New York Times, Edible Seattle, Writer's Digest, Parent Map, Tiferet Journal, and has been a featured blogger for the Huffington Post.
Find out more at: https://www.williamkenower.com/

Miriam Gershow
Miriam GershowMaster Class Presenter

Miriam Gershow is the author of Survival Tips: Stories, The Local News, and Closer. Miriam’s stories appear in The Georgia Review, Gulf Coast and Black Warrior Review. Her flash fiction appears in anthologies from Alan Squire Books, Alternating Currents, and Fractured Lit, as well as many journals, including Pithead Chapel, Had, and Variant Lit. Her creative nonfiction is featured in Salon and Craft Literary. Her stories have been listed in the 100 Distinguished Stories of The Best American Short Stories and appeared in the Robert Olen Butler Prize Stories. Her writing has been nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes, an Independent Publisher Book Awards silver medalist, a Pencraft Awards Best Book, and she is a two-time finalist for the Oregon Book Awards’ Ken Kesey Award for Fiction.
Find out more at: https://miriamgershow.com/

Miriam Gershow
Miriam GershowMaster Class Presenter

Miriam Gershow is the author of Survival Tips: Stories, The Local News, and Closer. Miriam’s stories appear in The Georgia Review, Gulf Coast and Black Warrior Review. Her flash fiction appears in anthologies from Alan Squire Books, Alternating Currents, and Fractured Lit, as well as many journals, including Pithead Chapel, Had, and Variant Lit. Her creative nonfiction is featured in Salon and Craft Literary. Her stories have been listed in the 100 Distinguished Stories of The Best American Short Stories and appeared in the Robert Olen Butler Prize Stories. Her writing has been nominated for multiple Pushcart Prizes, an Independent Publisher Book Awards silver medalist, a Pencraft Awards Best Book, and she is a two-time finalist for the Oregon Book Awards’ Ken Kesey Award for Fiction.
Find out more at: https://miriamgershow.com/


Early registration tickets will go on sale on April 1, 2025.


Yvonne Kays

“You do a GREAT job every year in providing a good variety of presentations and workshops. Keep up the good work!”

Sandy CrowellVolunteer

“What a wonderful tradition this conference has become!”

Connie Jasperson

“The connections I have made through attending this conference over the years have turned into lifelong friendships. I’ve met people I can talk to about every aspect of the experience of writing as well as craft. No one’s eyes glaze over when you try to explain your main character's inner demons and you find people with struggles similar to your own.”

Alan RosePresenter

“Your conference has an informality and friendliness that some of the larger conferences often lack; the setting and the atmosphere are welcoming and relaxed and make for easy networking and finding others of shared writing interests.”

Robin MontgomeryVolunteer

“I enjoyed learning practical tips from experts, meeting other writers, and making connections. I came away inspired, motivated, and encouraged. I can’t wait to put some of these ideas into practice!”


“Everyone was so nice and welcoming. Presentations were informative, helpful, and relevant.”


Q: When do tickets go on sale?

A: Early Registration tickets will go on sale on April 1, 2025.

Q: How can I purchase tickets for the Evening with Authors event?

A: There will be an add-on option when you purchase tickets. 

Q: What if I change my mind about the workshops I selected?

A: You are free to choose another class on the day of the event. However, keep in mind that handouts are printed according to the number of attendees registered.

Q: Do you have agent pitches?

A: Not at this time. Our conference is craft-focused. We aim to keep the cost affordable, and we can do so by focusing on teaching instead of paying to bring in agents and editors. This may be something we offer in the future.

Q: What’s your refund policy?

A: Tickets can be refunded up to six days before the event, not including any registration fees.

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