Showing: 11 - 14 of 14 RESULTS
Conference 2018Flash Fiction Workshop

Flash Fiction Workshop

Jordan Hartt is a reader, writer, writing teacher, writing-retreat leader and new speaker at our conference. In his workshop, he will discuss the growing flash fiction market and genre. Jordan facilitates the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, the YAWP Series, Centrum’s High School Writers’ Conference, Centrum’s Writing Studios, as well as annual private writing retreats in …

SWWW MembersKyle Pratt’s Latest Release

Kyle Pratt’s Latest Release

Southwest Washington Writers member Kyle Pratt released his fifth book. The novel, Braving the Storms, is the third book of the Strengthen What Remains series. In the first book, Through Many Fires, nuclear terrorism strikes the nation’s capital and six other American cities. In the second book, A Time to Endure, society continues to unravel, …

SWWW MembersJulie Zander’s Newest Book

Julie Zander’s Newest Book

Southwest Washington Writers member Julie Zander recently released her latest book. For more than a century, the Southwest Washington Fair has drawn farmers, friends, and families to the fairgrounds in Chehalis to show off their livestock, agricultural products, cooking and handicrafts. Now the history of the Southwest Washington Fair, the only one in the state mandated by …

Conference 2014Conference 2015The First Two Conferences

The First Two Conferences

Seattle has conferences for writers, and so does Portland, but until September of 2014 this area lacked that level of education and networking. The first year of the conference, I both presented and helped with the organization and operation. This year I just helped. While both conferences were a success, this year attendance rose and the …


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