Jordan Hartt

Jordan Hartt is a reader, writer, writing teacher, writing-retreat leader and new speaker at our conference. In his workshop, he will discuss the growing flash fiction market and genre.

Jordan facilitates the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference, the YAWP Series, Centrum’s High School Writers’ Conference, Centrum’s Writing Studios, as well as annual private writing retreats in Jamaica, Uganda, New Zealand, and other places.

Participants in Hartt’s writing programs have published in thousands of literary magazines, over two hundred books on nationally ranked presses, and been featured in the Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, and Best American Short Stories anthologies.

Hartt’s own writing has appeared in about forty literary magazines and journals. His collection of stories, “Leap,” appeared in 2015. He is currently at work on a new collection.

To learn more about Jordan Hartt visit his website at,

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