Workshop Speakers, Class Info, and Bios for the 2022 conference

This year, along with a few of the perennial favorites, we have many new presenters. Scroll down on this page to read the presenter bios and about their workshops.

Proceeds go toward scholarships with the Centralia College Foundation and toward the continuation of the conference. 

Master Class Schedule

Friday, September 9, 2022

Jeff Wheeler

8:30 to 9 a.m. Registration and light refreshments

9 to 11:15 a.m. Worldbuilding 505: Stop Living in Your Head and Start Writing the First Chapter—Master Class with Jeff Wheeler

Stop Living in Your Head and Start Writing the First Chapter,” will focus on how to develop settings that become characters in the story using ingredients such as magic, politics, culture, geography, economics, and religion. He’ll teach writers how to exploit the tension opportunities each brings to the table.

11:30 to 12:30 p.m. Lunch 

12:45 to 1:45 p.m. The How of Creativity with Jeff Wheeler plus Q &A

Jeff will discuss how creativity is like a muscle writers can practice and develop. He will share creativity tips from Collins, Stephen King, Pixar Studios, Carnegie, and a famous fighter pilot.

Jeff, who worked at Intel and wrote one evening a week for years, self-published his first novel, “The Wretched of Muirwood,” in 2011. The success of his Legends of Muirwood trilogy prompted Amazon Publishing’s sci-fi/fantasy arm 47North to offer him a contract to publish his next trilogy in 2012. With two trilogies published by 47North and another contract in hand, he quit his job at Intel in 2014 to devote full time to writing.

Jeff Wheeler – Master Class Presenter

Worldbuilding 505: Stop Living in Your Head and Start Writing the First Chapter and The How of Creativity

Jeff Wheeler

Jeff Wheeler, a Wall Street Journal bestselling author of entryway fantasy, will keynote the 2022 Southwest Washington Writers Conference at Centralia College Saturday, Sept. 10. The Wall Street Journal bestselling author of more than 30 young adult/fantasy books will discuss “Your First Million Words.” His books have sold more than 5 million copies.

“I’ve discovered on my journey that I had to write and toss my first million words before I’d practiced the craft enough to be successful at it,” Wheeler said. He described the keynote as “finding the will and the time to pursue the lonely road walked by writers.”

He’ll also teach two workshops on Saturday. In The Five Questions (aka Wowing the Editorial Board), writers will learn how to make it easy for publishers and editors to say yes to your manuscript using five questions and answers that Wheeler employs each time he pitches a book or series.

“Even if you are an indie author, knowing the answers to these questions can help improve the story before it’s even written,” he said.

The second workshop will focus on Understanding Amazon. Face it, Amazon is the gorilla in the publishing world today, selling more books than anyone else among its other products. This workshop will help writers understand the indie publishing market, the difference between Kindle Direct and Kindle Unlimited, the way royalties are paid, and what it’s like to work for an Amazon Publishing imprint.

Wheeler, a prolific writer of three or four books a year, conveniently lists a reading order on his website at for the more than 30 books he’s authored.

James D. Shipman 

Historical Fiction Writing: Bringing the Past Alive

James Shipman

A Union soldier fighting in the Civil War. A social worker helping Jewish children escape the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. Prisoners who lead a revolt at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

These are all real characters brought to life through the pages of novels by bestselling author James D. Shipman, an Everett attorney and mediator who will teach “Historical Fiction Writing: Bringing the Past Alive” at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference Saturday, Sept. 10.

He will describe his journey to becoming a published fiction writer and explore the process of preparing for and crafting a historical novel. He will address his research methods, travel to historical locations, his interviews with people who have historical knowledge, and the historical novel creation process.

The bestselling historical fiction writer with Kensington Publishing has penned seven novels, including “Going Home: A Novel of the Civil War,” which was based on his family’s history; “Irena’s War,” about Polish resistance fighter Irena Sendler and the Gestapo agent who hounded her;  “Constantinopolis,” a historical military adventure; and his latest title, “Beyond the Wire,” based on the October 1944 prisoner revolt at Auschwitz.

He and his wife have a blended family of seven children (thankfully adults) and live in Snohomish with Kevin the cat and Frank the dog.

Kathy Campbell 

5 Keys to a Professional Book Cover Design

Kathy Campbell

Many readers do judge a book by its cover, so learn the “5 Keys to a Professional Book Cover Design” from experienced designer Kathy Campbell, who creates captivating covers for Gorham Printing in Centralia and operates a freelance graphic design company in Olympia.

During the afternoon workshop, Kathy will address how to design a professional, eye-catching cover and focus on cover design concepts and genres, color, and imagery as well as typography and what elements make up a book. The five key topics crucial in designing a cover that sells books include image choices (what and where), color, concept, and typography.

For almost 30 years, Kathy has designed book covers and interior text for publishing companies large and small, as well as independent authors. She specializes in many genres including history, fiction, nonfiction, and memoir. She loves watching writers evolve into published authors.

Julie Bonn Blank

Getting Your Books Into the Amazon Top Ten Within Your Category

Building Your Platform with Your Best Website

Julie Bonn Blank

Julie Bonn Blank, an author, web designer, and marketing professional who has moved books into the top ten in Amazon categories, will teach two workshops at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference. A marketing professional, Julie has been designing websites for clients for years.

During her morning workshop, “Getting Your Books into the Amazon Top Ten Within Your Category,” she will discuss pricing and promotions. Learn about the different audiences drawn to different price points and how to compete. Understand how to research categories and change the place a book is listed. Discover how to approach your traditional publisher about promotional opportunities. She will also provide a list of the best promo opportunities for the best price and additional resources such as #booktok and other social media, consistent reviews, speaking opportunities, newsletter, book tours, and more. 

At her afternoon workshop, Julie will teach “Building Your Platform with Your Best Website.” Learn the components to include in an author’s or publisher’s website and how to best use those components for search and sales. Discover which platforms to avoid— all-in-one-options that aren’t search-engine friendly or place limits on platforms, which actually can hurt self-branding and book sales. Learn to create the best website without breaking the bank and maintain it easily without paying someone else to do it. Understand the opportunities that come with a great website functioning as it should. Learn to draw traffic to the site, highlight your writing, track results, create a mailing list, and more.

Julie, the author of “Innocent Lives,” “Rose,” and “Penny,” speaks as an advocate against domestic abuse and teaches nationwide. She lives in of Forest Grove, Oregon. Find out more about Julie at

Wendy Kendall

Writing Novellas

The Art of Mystery

Wendy Kendall

Learn “The Art of Mystery” and all about “Writing Novellas” from Wendy Kendell, who has a passion for purses, mystery, and romance. Her cozy mystery “Kat Out of the Bag” introduces Katherine Watson, purse designer/sleuth, investigating murder at her gala opening. The prequel, Purse-Stachio Makes a Splash, delves into a chilling cold case. Her newest, Snow Kiss Cookies to Die For is an intriguing tangle of mystery and love.

During her morning workshop, “Writing Novellas,” Wendy will teach about novella story structure, different novella types (literary, inspirational, and genre), and ways to use writing novellas to your advantage as an author. Learn what publishers are seeking, what readers want, and marketing options for novellas.

“The novella is surging in popularity with publishers and readers,” she said. “We’ll also discuss the opportunities and challenges to the writing craft that novellas present.”

During her afternoon workshop, “The Art of Mystery,” Wendy will present an analytical approach to a highly popular and diverse genre and teach how to build a better mystery, thriller, or suspense novel. Learn about the different mystery genres: hard-boiled or soft-boiled PI, cozy or traditional, paranormal, suspense, legal, historical, police procedural, and more. Wendy will focus on six mystery categories: legal thrillers, police procedurals, forensics, cozies, private detective stories, and historical.

First, know what you’re writing to do it well and pitch it successfully to the right agent, acquisitions editor, or target market. What are the essential ingredients in a good mystery? Learn the most important question a writer can show when plotting and developing a mystery.

“It’s only one word, but it’s the most important word—why,” Wendy said “It drives the question all mystery readers want answered, and for all mystery/suspense/thriller writers must exploit when writing a work of suspense. Answer this one question about your protagonist and antagonist, and pave the way to deeper, richer, and better writing.”

The Edmonds, Washington, author is also a blogger, YouTube podcaster, speaker, project manager, and syndicated columnist.

Carolyne Wright

Bringing Lives to Life: The Alchemy of Memory

Carolyne Wright

Award-winning Seattle poet, author, and memoirist Carolyne Wright will present a workshop on “Bringing Lives to Life: The Alchemy of Memory” Saturday morning at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference on Sept. 10.

“Writers of all genres employ and transform memory in their work,” said Carolyne, whose latest books are Masquerade, a memoir in poetry (Lost Horse Press, 2021) and This Dream the World: New & Selected Poems (Lost Horse, 2017), whose title poem received a Pushcart Prize and appeared in The Best American Poetry 2009.

During the interactive workshop, participants will read memoir excerpts and explore life experiences, journal entries, family history, and reflections—sources of memory we interrogate, embellish, assemble, and re-assemble.

“Through this creative alchemy, we will turn memories, observations, and insights into story, bringing lives to life through our writing,” Carolyne said. “Our writing may be poetry or prose.”

Explore inner lives and those of characters, historical as well as fictional. Develop new perspectives on voice and voices. Generate new writing in voices other than your own, which is useful for nonfiction and fiction writers as well as poets.

A Seattle native who has lived and taught all over the country and on fellowships in Chile, Brazil, India, and Bangladesh, Carolyne has 16 earlier books, chapbooks, and anthologies of poetry, essays, and translation. A contributing editor for the Pushcart Prizes, Carolyne has received NEA and 4Culture grants. A Fulbright Scholar Award will take her back to Bahia, Brazil, post-Covid-19. She has won awards for memoir essays (PEN/Jerard Fund Award; Crossing Boundaries Award for Nonfiction; Summer Literary Seminars Award in Nonfiction).

Alan E. Rose 

Plotting Techniques for the Beginning Writer

Alan E. Rose

Most stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end—though they don’t necessarily have to be in that order. The same story can be told in a multitude of different ways. Plotting is the organizing of a story to achieve the writer’s desired effect, whether romance, humor, horror, suspense, or tenderness and tears.

In this workshop, “Plotting Techniques for the Beginning Writer: Finding the Story You Want to Tell, and then Deciding How Best to Tell It,” Alan will offer concepts, tools, and techniques to help the writer find the story, and then explore ways to most effectively tell it. He will discuss:

1) Story Spinning—right- and left-brain techniques to generate a story from the seed of an idea.

2) Plot Playing—ways to disassemble a story by breaking it down into components parts, and then reassembling the parts in different combinations to achieve different effects.

3) Scenic Construction—ways to further organize the story to enhance its emotional impact through the use of narrative arcs, pacing, and conflict.

Alan E. Rose is the author of three published novels and one novella. His novel about the AIDS epidemic in the Pacific Northwest, As If Death Summoned, won the 2021 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year award (LGBT category.) Book reviewer for the Columbia River Reader and host of KLTV’s “Book Chat” program, Alan also coordinates WordFest Northwest, a monthly gathering of writers and readers in Southwest Washington and has conducted many writing workshops and classes. More information can be found on his website at

Lindsay Schopfer

Investing in Your Writing Career

From Body Language to Brawls

Lindsay Schopfer

Olympia author Lindsay Schopfer will teach two workshops at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference Saturday, Sept. 10, and sit on a Friday panel about the Ins and Outs of Publishing.

In his morning workshop, “Investing in Your Writing Career,” Lindsay will discuss how authors must spend money to make money. Both published and unpublished writers will benefit from this practical guide to investing in the writing craft without breaking the bank. Students will learn how to shop around for freelancers, how to manage their resources when choosing promotional options, and how to choose the best options for educating themselves in their craft.

In his afternoon workshop, “From Body Language to Brawls,” Lindsay will focus on action scenes.

“Action scenes are some of the most exciting, intense moments in our stories, but they can be tricky to get right,” he said. “Too little detail and the reader won’t be invested; too much, and the action will be lost in a sea of unnecessary details.”

During the workshop, participants will learn how to manage pacing, balance character reactions and event descriptions, and use effective word choice to keep the reader fully immersed in the scene.

Lindsay, the award-winning author of four novels including The Adventures of Keltin Moore, a series of steampunk-flavored fantasy novels about a professional monster hunter, teaches creative writing at South Puget Sound Community College and belongs to the Northwest Editors Guild. His second Keltin Moore novel, Into the North, won the OZMA Award for Fantasy as part of the Chanticleer International Book Awards.

You can learn more about Lindsay Schopfer at,

Mary Stone

Power Pack Your Prose

Mary Stone

Learn how to “Power Pack Your Prose” with author and retired college instructor Mary Stone of Castle Rock.

“In ‘Power Pack Your Prose,’ participants learn how to craft sentences with oomph,” Mary said. “In-class exercises empower writers to create narratives that leap off the page.”

Word choice matters. Verbs offer writers an opportunity to grab readers’ attention and retain it throughout the story. Verbs can make characters and plot spring to life—or not. Certain words fashion a ho-hum experience for readers. Learn to kick extraneous words to the curb. It works wonders for writers wanting to write tight and pack a punch.

Attendees who bring two pages from their writing will find the workshop activities most helpful.  

Mary earned her master’s degree in counseling from the University of Nebraska at Kearney and retired after three decades of teaching and counseling at Lower Columbia College. Her published works have appeared in “Ladies Home Journal,” “Mature Living, Seek,” “Evangel,” “The Salal Review,” “The Rambunctious Review,” and the anthologies: OakTara’s “I Choose You” and Bethany House’s “Love is a Flame.” Her nonfiction book, Run in the Path of Peace—the Secret of Being Content No Matter What, placed as a finalist in Oregon Christian Writers’ published book contest. This past year, Kindle Vella published Mary’s humorous work “In BeTWEEN TROUBLE.”

Mary teaches writing classes, and offers in-your-home group sessions—when Covid, or lack of it, permits.

She also writes a monthly devotional blog at

Alle C. Hall 

Get Published: How to Find a Home for Short Stories, Essays, Poetry, or KidLit

Seattle author Alle C. Hall will help writers of short fiction and nonfiction find a place to publish those for a wider audience during her afternoon workshop, “Get Published: How to Find a Home for Short Stories, Essays, Poetry, or KidLit,” at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference Saturday, Sept. 10.

Writers new to submitting don’t need to have finished work to benefit from this workshop. More experienced submitters will also find gems: how to go about finding journals that are right for your work, tracking submissions, and recovering from rejection.

Learn effective techniques for successfully submitting essays/creative nonfiction, poetry, KidLit, or short stories. Understand the publishing industry and your place in it. Discover how to write a good query letter. Through discussion, examples, and exercises, the class will explore genre, magazines, journals, and query letters; destigmatize submission and rejection to move into rebound; and talk about money. Attendees will leave with a firm understanding of the publishing industry as it relates to their goals as a writer, a drafted query letter, and a list of 15 to 50 magazines to submit to.

“I am the poster child for the writer who started a career with no MFA, no connections, and very little money that I could bring to my writing life,” Alle said. “Through sheer hard work and developing rhinoceros-thick skin, I worked my way up to a book deal Over a 30-year span, I published first in the kind of tiny magazines that only the subscribers and maybe their families read; then in more notable publications; and finally, internationally known journals and the all-sought-after book deal for a first literary novel—at the age of 57!”

Save years of disappointment by learning from Alle’s experience.

Her first novel, As Far as You Can Go Before You Have to Come Back, publishes in March 2023. An excerpt from it placed as a finalist for The Lascaux Prize. She also won The Richard Hugo House New Works Competition. A Best Small Fictions and Best of the Net nominee, Alle’s fiction appears in Dale Peck’s Evergreen Review, Litro, and Tupelo Quarterly, among others, and her essays in Creative Nonfiction and Hobart, ditto. Her business card reads, “Writer and Mom.”

Learn more about her at

The Saturday Panel

Ellen King Rice, Lee French, Connie Jasperson, and Johanna Flynn

We can all learn from experience, and a panel of four indie authors with more than 30 years of combined experience will share writing tips and advice for authors in all stages of their careers, whether just starting out or old pros, indie or traditionally published.

During their Saturday afternoon workshop at the Southwest Washington Writers Conference Sept. 10, “What I Wish I Had Known,” the four veterans of the indie trenches share their insights into the pitfalls, pratfalls, and potholes in the publishing world.

Each panel member—authors Ellen King Rice, Lee French, Connie Jasperson, and Johanna Flynn—will spend three to five minutes describing unanticipated challenges in their writing journey. Be prepared to laugh, groan, and take notes on helpful tips as they describe tales of publishing adventures. Topics will include aspects of setting up business paperwork and selling

Ellen King

online and in person. Learn to avoid the pratfalls in selling at bookfairs, bookstores, and conventions. Identify and step around the potholes littering the marketing road. Stay clear of the pitfalls in the business end of writing.

Winner of multiple IPPY awards for Best Regional Fiction, Ellen King Rice of Olympia writes ecological thrillers set in the woods of the Pacific Northwest. She wants a world where there are more trophies and riches for those showing pluck and resilience (or misunderstood genius). Wander her woods at and say “Hi” to the woman in a mushroom chapeau. 

Lee French

Lee French is the USA Today Bestselling author of 50+ indie-published novels, novellas, and short stories in multiple fantasy and science fiction subgenres as well as romance and literary fiction. She is the owner and co-founder of Clockwork Dragon, an indie co-op and small press producing fantasy and science fiction anthologies. Best known for her young adult urban fantasy series Spirit Knights, she also writes for adults about challenging the patriarchy with snark and witty banter. Find more about her work at

Connie Jasperson

Connie J. Jasperson is a published poet and the author of nine fantasy novels. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies. A founding member of Myrddin Publishing Group, she blogs regularly on both the craft of writing and art history. You can find her blog and sign up to receive her posts by email at: or follow her on Twitter at:

Johanna Flynn

Johanna Flynn’s debut novel won the 2020 Nancy Pearl Award for Best Contemporary Fiction. Her second novel, We’re with the Band, launched this past December. Johanna likes to write contemporary and women’s fiction. Prior to writing fiction, she published nonfiction articles and award-winning research. Prior to that, she wrote really bad poetry. She can be found at

Friday, September 9, 2022 Afternoon panel:

Chris Werner

2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Panel: Bringing Your Stories to Life: The Ins and Outs of Publishing with Christopher Werner of Amazon Publishing and authors Lindsay Schopfer, Kyle Pratt, and Debby Lee.

The panel will provide a clear understanding of the publishing landscape, the author/editor relationship, and how to approach getting published and stand out in the marketplace. Learn about the publishing process and how editors and authors work together. Discover marketplace trends, editorial hallmarks that make a bestseller, how fiction is defined (genre, commercial, upmarket, and literary), and how authors should position themselves. The moderated presentation will conclude with time for questions and answers.

Kyle Pratt

Christopher, an award-winning executive editor with Amazon Publishing in Seattle with more than 13 years’ experience in books and media, has acquired and edited commercial and upmarket fiction across many genres since 2015. Prior to joining Amazon Publishing, he worked on the Kindle Books team in a role focused on engaging readers. For five years, he also served as senior editor for Seattle Met, a publication of SagaCity Media, where he led an online editorial in addition to writing and editing all things connected to food and arts.

After serving in the Navy for 20 years, Kyle taught in the Alaskan Eskimo village of Eek for seven years and, during the long nights, wrote his first novel, “Titan Encounter,” a science fiction space adventure released in July 2012. The award-winning author of “Through Many Fires” and “Seekers of the Earth” has published many other novels, novellas, and short stories. His most recent post-apocalyptic thriller, “Through the Storm,” is an Amazon bestseller. Kyle, who lives near Napavine, also writes opinion pieces on politics and culture.

Debby Lee

Debby, a Centralia romance writer, has written novellas included in six collections from Barbour Publishing, a traditional publisher. Other novellas she has written have been included in four independently published collections. Two of her indie-published short stories were contest finalists. Two of the traditional collections made the ECPA Bestsellers List. She’s working on a full-length World War II novel for release next year. She belongs to American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. She’s represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Literary Agency.

Lindsay Schopfer

Lindsay is the award-winning author of four novels, including The Adventures of Keltin Moore, a series of steampunk-flavored fantasy novels about a professional monster hunter. His second Keltin Moore novel, “Into the North,” won the OZMA Award for Fantasy as part of the Chanticleer International Book Awards. Lindsay, a creative writing teacher at South Puget Sound Community College, also will teach two workshops at Saturday’s conference: “From Body Language to Brawls” and “Investing in Your Writing Career.”

The early registration fee for the Friday Master Class, which includes a scrumptious boxed lunch from Dawn’s Delectables, is $75, or $125 for both Friday’s Master Class and Saturday’s conference. Stay tuned for registration details.

September 10, 2022

Southwest Washington Writers Conference Workshops

WORKSHOP SESSION I: 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.

A. The Five Questions (aka Wowing the Editorial Board)—Jeff Wheeler

In “The Five Questions (aka Wowing the Editorial Board),” writers will learn how to make it easy for publishers and editors to say yes to your manuscript using five questions and answers that Jeff employs each time he pitches a book or series. “Even if you are an indie author, knowing the answers to these questions can help improve the story before it’s even written,” he said.

B. Getting Your Books into the Amazon Top Ten Within Your Category—Julie Bonn Blank

Julie will discuss pricing and promotions. Learn about the different audiences drawn to different price points and how to compete. Understand how to research categories and change the place a book is listed. Discover how to approach your traditional publisher about promotional opportunities. She will also provide a list of the best promo opportunities for the best price and additional resources such as #booktok and other social media, consistent reviews, speaking opportunities, newsletter, book tours, and more.  

C. Got a film idea? Screenwriting 101: The Basics!— Pamala J Vincent

Pamala will introduce writers to the film industry and how to push your screenplay past the first reader. She’ll discuss industry-standard software, formatting tips, and tricks, and provide an overview of Acts 1, 2, and 3. “With the forced move to home due to Covid, the movie industry has exploded,” she said. “The world is hungry for quality films that inspire hope. Film writing, like novel writing, has an industry standard.” 

D. Writing Novellas—Wendy Kendall

Wendy will teach about novella story structure, different novella types (literary, inspirational, and genre), and ways to use writing novellas to your advantage as an author. Learn what publishers are seeking, what readers want, and marketing options for novellas. “The novella is surging in popularity with publishers and readers,” she said. “We’ll also discuss the opportunities and challenges to the writing craft that novellas present.”

E. Bringing Lives to Life: The Alchemy of Memory—Carolyne Wright 

Participants will read memoir excerpts and explore life experiences, journal entries, family history, and reflections—sources of memory we interrogate, embellish, assemble, and re-assemble. Explore inner lives and those of characters, historical as well as fictional. Develop new perspectives on voice and voices. Generate new writing in voices other than your own, which is useful for nonfiction and fiction writers as well as poets. “Through this creative alchemy, we will turn memories, observations, and insights into story, bringing lives to life through our writing,” Carolyne said. “Our writing may be poetry or prose.”

F. Investing in Your Writing Career—Lindsay Schopfer

Lindsay will discuss how authors must spend money to make money. Both published and unpublished writers will benefit from this practical guide to investing in the writing craft without breaking the bank. Students will learn how to shop around for freelancers, how to manage their resources when choosing promotional options, and how to choose the best options for educating themselves in their craft.

WORKSHOP SESSION II: 1:30 to 2:45 p.m.

G. Understanding Amazon—Jeff Wheeler

Face it, Amazon is the gorilla in the publishing world today, selling more books than anyone else among its other products. This workshop will help writers understand the indie publishing market, the difference between Kindle Direct and Kindle Unlimited, the way royalties are paid, and what it’s like to work for an Amazon Publishing imprint.

H. 75 Ways to Sell Your Book Successfully—Pamala J Vincent

Pamala will teach writers how to discover their niche, find where their readers hang out and understand their readers’ needs to better reach them. Writing a book takes blood, sweat, and tears but that’s only the first step to getting your message out there. Marketing, particularly a self-published book, takes the next step of earning an income to the next level. You have to out-wit, out-play, out-last all the other books on the market. Creativity is vital to successfully getting your book in the hands of your readers. Pamala will cover 75 conventional and unconventional ideas to getting noticed.

I. A Cup of Soup—Heidi Gaul

Learn to develop the skills necessary to write and successfully market a short and inspiring nonfiction piece. During the workshop, Heidi will look at the importance of verb choices and word counts, the arc that will hold reader’s and editor’s interest, and how to make a story more relatable to a large audience. Participants will leave with knowledge of concise and gripping writing, a story arc that captures readers, and a story general enough for wide relatability.

J. Power Pack Your Prose—Mary Stone

Word choice matters. Verbs offer writers an opportunity to grab readers’ attention and retain it throughout the story. Verbs can make characters and plot spring to life—or not. Certain words fashion a ho-hum experience for readers. Learn to kick extraneous words to the curb. It works wonders for writers wanting to write tight and pack a punch. Attendees who bring two pages from their writing will find the workshop activities most helpful.  

K. From Body Language to Brawls—Lindsay Schopfer

During the workshop, participants will learn how to manage pacing, balance character reactions and event descriptions, and use effective word choice to keep the reader fully immersed. “Action scenes are some of the most exciting, intense moments in our stories, but they can be tricky to get right,” he said. “Too little detail and the reader won’t be invested; too much, and the action will be lost in a sea of unnecessary details.”

L. Writing Kids in a Grown-Up World—Evan Ramzipoor

During the workshop, students will learn how to write kids and young adults for an adult market, craft believable, compelling child characters for adult fiction, write child-centric dialogue that pops on the page, and advance a child-centric plot. “Some of our most memorable and sophisticated fiction is populated by child protagonists,” Evan said. “Children often see and hear everything that we miss, which makes them uniquely difficult (and interesting) characters.”

WORKSHOP SESSION III: 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.           

M. Panel: What I Wish I had Known: Four veterans of the indie trenches—Ellen King Rice, Johanna Flynn, Lee French, Connie Jasperson

Four veterans of the indie trenches share insights into the pitfalls, pratfalls, and potholes in the publishing world. They will offer writing tips and advice for authors in all stages of their careers. Each will describe unanticipated challenges. Be prepared to laugh, groan, and take notes on helpful tips. Topics will include aspects of setting up business paperwork and selling online and in person. Learn to avoid the pratfalls in selling at bookfairs, bookstores, and conventions. Identify and step around the potholes littering the marketing road. Stay clear of the pitfalls in the business end of writing.

N. Building Your Platform with Your Best Website—Julie Bonn Blank

Learn the components to include in an author’s or publisher’s website and how to best use those components for search and sales. Discover which platforms to avoid— all-in-one-options that aren’t search-engine friendly or place limits on platforms, which actually can hurt self-branding and book sales. Learn to create the best website without breaking the bank and maintain it easily without paying someone else to do it. Understand the opportunities that come with a great website functioning as it should. Learn to draw traffic to the site, highlight your writing, track results, create a mailing list, and more.

O. 5 Keys to a Professional Book Cover Design—Kathy Campbell

Graphic designer Kathy Campbell will address how to design a professional, eye-catching cover and focus on cover design concepts and genres, color, and imagery as well as typography and what elements make up a book. The five key topics crucial in designing a cover that sells books include image choices (what and where), color, concept, and typography.

P. Historical Fiction Writing: Bringing the Past Alive—James Shipman

In this workshop, James will describe his journey to becoming a published fiction writer and explore the process of preparing for and crafting a historical novel. He will address his research methods, travel to historical locations, interviews with people who have historical knowledge, and the historical novel creation process. 

Q. Get Published: How to Find a Home for Short Stories, Essays, Poetry, or KidLit—Alle Hall

People don’t need to have finished work to benefit from this workshop. More experienced writers will also find gems: how to go about finding journals that are right for your work, tracking submissions, and recovering from rejection. Learn effective techniques for successfully submitting essays/creative nonfiction, poetry, KidLit, or short stories. Through discussion, examples, and exercises, the class will explore genre, magazines, journals, and query letters; destigmatize submission and rejection to move into rebound; and discuss money. Attendees will leave with a firm understanding of the publishing industry and a drafted query letter to submit to 15 to 50 magazines.

R. The Art of Mystery—Wendy Kendall

Wendy will present an analytical approach to a highly popular and diverse genre and teach how to build a better mystery, thriller, or suspense novel. Learn about the different mystery genres: hard-boiled or soft-boiled PI, cozy or traditional, paranormal, suspense, legal, historical, police procedural, and more. First, know what you’re writing to do it well and pitch it successfully to the right agent, acquisitions editor, or target market. What are the essential ingredients in a good mystery? Learn the most important question a writer can show when plotting and developing a mystery.


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